Peer Evaluation Instructions
MGMT 3310 Spring 2008
(Acknowledgment given to Dr. Richard Drapeau, Lamar University-Beaumont)
Peer evaluation will consist of three components: (1) descriptive comments, (2) distribution of 100 peer evaluation points, and (3) ordinal rating.
Descriptive Comments:
For each member, including yourself, describe the qualities that you will use to direct your numeric rating. You may want to use this section to help you select one member over another member in “Distribution of 100 Peer Evaluation Points" when both members received the same "Ordinal Rating."
Distribution of 100 Peer Evaluation Points:
You have 100 points to allocate among all the members of your team. You may allocate them in any way subject to the constraint that the sum of the points allocated must sum to 100. The form on page 4 may be helpful in completing this phase of the evaluation.
Ordinal Rating:
In this section each member in the group will be rated using an ordinal scale (0-10). You may only assign "Most Valuable Member" to one team member. Further, you MUST designate one member as “MVM.” All other ratings may be used for more than one person. The following descriptions will provide a uniform interpretation to each ordinal number:
10 "Most valuable member" One who made the most contribution to the group.
9 "Outstanding member" One who consistently made more than the average number of contributions to the group.
8 "Average member" One who consistently did his/her "share" of the work.
7 "Less than average" One who was inconsistent in his/her effort. However, when he/she did contribute, the contribution was constructive and beneficial to the group.
6 "Contrary member" One who consistently insisted his/her ideas be accepted by the group when, in fact, his/her ideas were contrary to the majority opinion.
0-5 "Unacceptable member" One whose attendance at group meetings was infrequent, whose contributions were rare, and whose attitude was detrimental to the group. The number rating can range from zero to five, depending upon the magnitude of unacceptable behavior.
Example of Peer Evaluations:
(MUST be typed. Keep Distribution of 100 Points & Ordinal Rating on same page.)
Peer Evaluation for {team name} (by your name)
MGMT 3310 Spring 2008
Descriptive Comments
Bruce: descriptive paragraph, single-spaced (you first)
double-space between Bruce and Alice
Alice: descriptive paragraph, single-spaced
double-space between Alice and Carol
Carol: descriptive paragraph, single-spaced
David: descriptive paragraph, single-spaced
Ellen: descriptive paragraph, single-spaced
Distribution of 100 Peer Points: (See page 3)
Bruce 22 Alice 24 Carol 8 David 20 Ellen 26 SUM 100 .
(you first)
Ordinal Rating: (See page 1)
Bruce 8 Alice 9 Carol 3 David 8 Ellen 9 .
(you first)
(Acknowledgment given to Dr. Margaret Langford, St. Mary’s University)
For each person in each category assign a number between one and ten where one is the worst level and ten is the best level. Please note that this worksheet is optional, and may be used to help allocate the 100 points.
Bruce Alice Carol David Ellen
1. Availability to meet with group 10 _____ _____ _____ _____
2. Worked on project outside of group 7 _____ _____ _____ _____
3. Ability to work well with group 8 _____ _____ _____ _____
4. Communicated with with group 8 _____ _____ _____ _____
5. Active in group project 9 _____ _____ _____ _____
6. Reliable and responsible to do
his/her work 8 _____ _____ _____ _____
7. Creative ideas on designing and
building project 7 _____ _____ _____ _____
8. Ability to understand concepts 10 _____ _____ _____ _____
9. Good organizational skills
(Time management, etc., dealing
with group and project as a whole) 8 _____ _____ _____ _____
10. Contributed constructive criticism 9 _____ _____ _____ _____ SUM
TOTAL 84 90 30 75 95 374 .
PERCENTAGE OF 100 22 24 8 20 26 100%
To calculate percentage:
Divide total points for each individual by sum of points assigned.
Example: 84 / 374 = 22%