E. Moffatt ACCT 2302 - Attendance
Policies |
Class attendance and participation (listening, questioning,
discussing, thinking, etc.) will be important to your success in this
course. Come to class and enjoy the opportunity to learn! If you must
be absent, you should obtain class notes from a fellow student, as material
outside the text or revisions to the scheduled homework assignments may
be presented during lectures. Examples similar to homework problems will
be worked in class as part of the lecture. You
are responsible for completing all assignments when due and for being
prepared to participate in each class session, even if you were absent
for the previous meeting. You automatically begin the
semester with 25 points for attendance and class participation. You are
allowed two (2) absences. After these two absences, each time you miss
class, for ANY reason
(even University approved!), two (2) points will be deducted from your
grade. Please note that it is possible to LOSE MORE than 25 points
from your earned course grade if you do not attend ANY classes!
The attendance grade comprises a percentage
of your course grade! It
is YOUR responsibility to sign the seating chart EVERY DAY, as this is
the record I will use to record absences. If you do not
sign in, you will be considered to have been absent. This is NOT
an extra credit grade. The 25 points WILL be included in the required
points for the semester grade.
Some graphics by Windy |
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