E. Moffatt ACCT 2302 - Academic Policies
dishonesty in any form will NOT be tolerated. A grade
of "0" will be given to any student who exhibits academic dishonesty
on homework, with no opportunity for make-up. NOTE: Repeat offenders,
or those cheating on exams will automatically earn a grade of "F"
for the course for all parties involved. To protect yourself, cover your
work during exams. Be very careful to keep your eyes on your own work
during exams! If you need to rest your eyes during an exam, look at the
ceiling, or simply close them for a moment. Do NOT leave any room
for doubt as to where you are looking, please. We
may discuss the assignment instructions during lectures, prior to the
due date. Missing more than one or two of these homework assignments may
lower your final grade by as much as a letter grade or more. The nature of accounting is that each topic builds upon those that have gone before. It is important that you gain a thorough understanding of each topic as we cover it, as you will use it again in later chapters. Exams will comprise multiple choice and matching questions, all converted to a multiple choice format unless otherwise instructed. In addition, there will be several problems that will resemble exercises discussed in lectures and homework assignments. If
you miss one of the first three (3) exams, you may take the missed exam
during the final exam period, along with your final. To be eligible for
the make-up option, you must provide me with official documentation
of a university approved absence. This make-up option is NOT
available for the final. You cannot make up more than one missed exam.
If you cannot take the final at the scheduled time, I will, at my discretion,
allow you to take it with another of my scheduled final exams. You will
need to make arrangements with me in advance, specifying which section
you will be sitting for the final with, so that I can have your exam ready
for you.
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