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Part II of The Mechanics of Depopulation will involve itself more with (1) How stress is involved with the depopulation coming, (2) The How's and Why's this depopulation will occur, with the failing economy and the associated stress-responses therein associated, (3) With the coming famine in America, (4) The movement of our solar system into The Galactic Plane and thus into (5) The Densest Portion of The Spiral Arm we neighborhood within our Milky Way Galaxy. We also are coming to (6) The End of The Precession---The End of an Age. These, especially, (6), have always heralded mass extinctions and dire times. Any one of these elements is more than enough to cause the stress-response and associated problems we will be discussing below. But, we also have the (6) long-term or long-lived responses after the initiating stresses have subsided somewhat. Being prepared will help, if we live through it relatively intact with "things."
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Dr. Hans Selye's Guide to Stress Research, Volume I, defines stress as "the nonspecific (that is, common) result of any demand upon the body," whether it is psychogenic or somatically (body) induced, "for the survival and the accomplishment of our aims." A stressor is that which produces the stress. The response to the stress produced by the stressor is the response, or the stress-response. Thus, the stressor can be psychogenic or somatic (body) disturbances. Practically anything that causes a disturbance or disturbances such as hot or cold, going from hot to hotter and vice versa, the same with cold, is a stressor. Bacterial toxins would be included in this, as are surgery, heavy bleeding, pain and constant exposure (or just once) to poisons or toxins in our environment. Just thinking negative as well as positive thoughts can induce the stress-response. Winning the lottery caused one person to expire from happiness and joy!
The human body, as other primates and even plants, have mechanisms to counteract stress. Body changes occur when it resists changes wrought by a stressor. The stress-response is good and necessary but becomes onerous when the stress is too prolonged and sometimes even when there is a short term response to it. Abortions have occurred because of the latter. The psychological makeup of the individual and the biochemical individuality becomes apparent, especially under stress reactions from our hormonal milieu when undergoing the stress-response.
The stress-response is generated in the body by two factors: neuronal and hormonal. Regardless of the stressor, we can have a short-term response and a long-term response.
One part of our highly integrated nervous system is the autonomic nervous system–not generally under control of the will. This nervous system is also known as the involuntary nervous system. This system of nerves consists of the sympathetic and the parasympathetic divisions.
The sympathetic, coined by Galen–an early physician, because he felt the brain was in "sympathy" with the viscera (internal organs). He believed the brain was the rational part of thought and the internal organs were responsible for emotions. The "para" means ‘alongside.' Its projections sit next to or along side the sympathetic's projections. The sympathetic and parasympathetic work in opposition to one another.
Epinephrine (adrenalin) is secreted (and norepinephrine, also called noradrenaline) as a result of sympathetic nerve fibers ending in the adrenal medullae. Norepinephrine is secreted by all other sympathetic nerve endings through the body viscera. This action is highly reinforced under conditions of stress as the sympathetic nerve endings cause the adrenal to pour out epinephrine and norepinephrine. The epinephrine prolongs the "fight or flight" response. This is also the reason it takes a bit of time to come down from a stressful situation.
Normal stress (eustress) is good because it allows us to overcome various challenges in life.
However, when stress is harmful, it is known as distress.
A lot of our response to stress depends upon our psychological makeup. No two people react quite the same to the same stress–that which causes the response. And if you know in advance (expectation) of a physical or psychological event to take place, a stress-response can occur the same as in the actual mobilization or occurrences of such events. Just the thinking of such future events can generate a response to stress.
Certain balancing conditions in the body (homeostasis) biochemically try to maintain balance within normal physiological or functional limits.
But stress can be long-lasting or extreme, or unusual for just a short while and can cause problems.
To understand this, we need to consider what is known as the stress-response, or general adaptation syndrome (GAS). Hans Selye, a stress research pioneer, borrowed the term "stress" from physics, and applied it to what physiologist Walter Cannon was studying in the 1920s. It was known as the GAS at that time and evolved into the stress-response. It was Cannon who introduced the term, stress, to medicine.
Selye considered that stress, from his rat experiments, elicited body changes from various stressors. They can be poisonous agents or conditions that stress the body, and we now know, according to his psychological makeup, how he responds to it. The latter was broadened to include the mind, that just thinking about a stressful condition can elicit a stress-response. This is the "psychodynamic" effect of a stressor.
The director of this stress-response is an area of the brain known as the hypothalamus.
The stress-response consists of three phases, steps or actions:
- The "Alarm" Reaction, also called the "fight or flight" response. It occurs within seconds of a stressor you perceive as dangerous, immediately threatening to your safety, physical and/or psychological.
- A slower response, but persisting longer after the alarm reaction decreases, known as the Resistance Reaction. This action resists a stressor. And finally...
- Exhaustion. This is where disease entities make manifest. It can end in death.
The ‘Alarm' or ‘Fight' or ‘Flight' Response
When the alarm response occurs, the part of the autonomic nervous system that goes into action is the sympathetic system. It is involved in exercise, embarrassment, excitement and emergency. The sympathetic nervous system is mobilized. The effects last only a few seconds, but simultaneously, the adrenal medullae are stimulated by the sympathetic nerve filaments and secrete epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenalin and noradrenalin) into the blood stream, which lasts a few minutes. Since its effects are widespread, the effects produced hormonally last longer. This is why it takes some time to come down from a highly stressful event.
The epinephrine and norepinephrine supplement (reinforce, prolong) the "fight or flight" reactions. The alarm reaction prepares you for battle, or to flee from battle, immediately. This demands an increased cardiovascular reaction. Blood pressure rises immediately, more oxygen is delivered to the brain and other tissues of the body, increased heart rate, increased sweating, cold skin, pupils of the eyes dilate and a number of other things, all designed to keep the body at peak performance during a "fight or flight" experience.
Too many such "ups and downs" are not healthy for the body. This can generate a disease process, cause an abortion or heart attack to name a few. The point being, what is now breaking upon the scene will cause more alarm reactions going off in people who can't survive many of these. Hold that thought and consider the following:
In the Daily Reckoning, Wednesday, May 9, 2007, 11:35 AM, James Howard Kunstler writes in "Tell Us Sweet Little Lies,"
"But being just past peak we are now seeing how complex systems proceed toward instability and breakdown when the underlying energy flow turns toward contraction.
"The situation in finance is particularly sensitive and acute because an overall contraction in available energy means the end of industrial expansion (a.k.a. "growth") at "normal" rates of three to seven percent annually. More to the point, it means that certificates, contracts, deals, plays, and rackets pegged to the expectation of growth will lose their legitimacy. Meaning, stocks, bonds, collateralized debt obligations, hedges - anything that represents the hope and expectation for more-of-anything - will no longer be understood to represent real value."
Many people have their pension plans tied up, directly or indirectly, unbeknownst to them, in the stock market. Banks borrow from banks, which borrow from banks, which bet on bets, which is generally known as "derivatives." If one big bank goes down, and it will because of what Mr. Kunstler has written above, this means that you and I will be under a psychodynamic and a physical stress-response. The financial markets of the world are teetering. They are precariously balanced. You can protect yourself now with a little gold stored, a little cash on hand, some food storage for at least a year. Having this type of security makes rough times a lot easier to get through and remember, "You can only own that which you can physically protect," said the arch-criminal of all time, Adolf Hitler.
James Kunstler has worked as a reporter and feature writer for a number of newspapers, and finally as a staff writer for Rolling Stone Magazine. In 1975, he dropped out to write books on a full-time basis.
His latest nonfiction book, The Long Emergency, describes the changes that American society faces in the 21st century. Discerning an imminent future of protracted socioeconomic crisis, Kunstler foresees the progressive dilapidation of subdivisions and strip malls, the depopulation of the American Southwest, and, amid a world at war over oil, military invasions of the West Coast; when the convulsion subsides, Americans will live in smaller places and eat locally grown food.
If this be so, you can imagine the stress-response in getting to this level of change in one's life. Then, for many, whose mind-set has not, will not change, the stress-response will continue to be horrendous.
By this time, depopulation will have been in full sway. But consider life during the Long Emergency. There are people that we know that say they'd rather be dead than have to go through this, or survive than to live in the Long Emergency. Depopulation will still be in earnest from the psychodynamic effect of the Stress-Response in those people who can't change the way they look at things during this time, not to mention the physical stressors. What are the physical stressors? No oil to speak of, which means back to coal-burning days, which means intermittent electricity, which means getting used to eating foods that you have to physically prepare yourself from garden or farmyard to kitchen table. In other words, life is no longer "life as we know it" now.
Disease will be horrendous for those who allow the Stress-Response psychologically and physically to continue long after the stressors are removed. There will be sanitation and refugee-type problems. We saw this in New Orleans just recently. And when this happens, personal safety also creates a Stress-Response.
During the "alarm" response, urinary, reproduction and digestive functions stop. The body considers digesting of the meal you've just finished not important compared to fighting and running away in all haste. Even defecation is placed on hold. But what of the people who develop diarrhea under extreme stressful events? One writer says the parasympathetic nervous system overrides its hold status and goes into high gear, causing intestinal contents to propel themselves forward under great propulsive force, thus not allowing the large intestine (colon) time to absorb all the water used in its mixing vat. Hence, the watery stool.
But another writer says it is indeed the sympathetic nervous system which undergoes contractive and propulsive motions that flush the intestinal contents forward quickly, such that water has no time for absorption back into the system from the colon. Hence, the diarrhea.
Regardless of the mechanics, it can cause great problems if and when water becomes scarce if one has this continued diarrhea.
The Resistance Reaction (Resist A Stressor)
In the 1930s, Hans Selye generalized what stress is with two main ideas:
- Regardless of the stressors, the body responds relatively similar to them.
- It is the chronicity of the stressor– going on for too long– that can make you sick.
He developed how the stress-response works and formalized the process into three stages:
- There is an ‘alarm' reaction. (This is as far as Walter Cannon took it. Cannon coined the term ‘flight' or ‘flight.' And said the body has the ability to weather stressors in any form.) This is followed by a...
- Resistance Stage or the Resistance to a Stressor. Then,
- Exhaustion. The process where a disease erupts due to chronic stress and/or death results.
Selye felt that one became sick because the hormones (glucocorticoids primarily) adrenaline and others, we'll discuss later, became depleted during the response to stress if it went on too long. This cost him the Nobel Prize, many felt, because he came up with the wrong answer as to why chronic stress can make you sick. It is not because hormones are depleted, as he proposed. Science has shown that the crucial hormones of the stress-response are very seldom depleted, even when the stressor(s) are sustained. It is something else causing dis-ease which goes into disease and possibly death. And this takes us into the Resistance Stage and we will finish with the Exhaustion level, pointing out why long-term stress can make you sick and even diseased unto death.
As you read this document, keep in mind the overall thesis: The Mechanics of Depopulation and you will come to arrive at the same conclusion, that massive depopulation is now underway–it is already happening in one species of the planet earth. As the lower species succumb to the process, depopulation will work its way up the species ladder to the higher primates, and finally man. Throughout all this, madness will be the order of the day superimposed with confusion. Virginia Tech was just the tip of the iceberg. There will be more irrational acts, causing mayhem and destruction. Witness what is happening in Japan, as traditional values go to hell in violence unheard of in Japan.
The second level or stage (resistance) of the stress-response is the biochemical condition which aids all living animals to resist a stressor, be it psychological or physical.
The first stage is short-lived, which is generated by stress foci on the physical brain of the hypothalamus. From there, the stimulated hypothalamus, because of stress, sends impulses down the sympathetic nerve fibers to the adrenal medullae, causing them to release the hormones epinephrine and norepinephrine. In this first stage of a stress signal to the brain, sympathetic fibers are engaged throughout the body and release their contents (epinephrine/norepinephrine) to target tissues for running, fighting, seeing better, to cope with anything that threatens homeostasis of the body. This is a short lived stage but prolonged because of nerve stimulation of the adrenal glands to release epinephrine/norepinephrine to the bloodstream. The resistance stage is longer lasting as the neural impulses cause this area of the brain to secrete hormones into a special, private, capillary system known as the portal blood supply from the hypothalamus to the pituitary, causing it to secrete hormones into the bloodstream to activate conditions that start a high metabolic burn, such as lipolysis, gluconeogenesis, protein breakdown from muscle, sensitizing blood vessels, and reducing inflammation. Also glycogen as stored sugar is released as glucose and thyroid hormones go into high action, forming more ATP (the energy currency of the cell) from increased use of glucose.
The hormones involved in these steps respectively are the CRH (corticotropin-releasing hormone), GHRH (growth hormone-releasing hormone), TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) from the hypothalamus and those stimulated at the anterior pituitary level are ACTH (adrenocorticotropin hormone), hGH (human growth hormone), and TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) respectively.
Don't let this confuse or frighten you. It is given here for background and will be given later singularly to show how depopulation is now being generated, and more so in the immediate future.
The mechanics of CRH is stimulation of the anterior pituitary to secrete ACTH. This causes a domino effect by stimulating the adrenal cortex to release cortisol–a steroid hormone. This causes fats and proteins to be converted to glucose and this broken down to energy. You need this in times of emergency. Where does it come from? Peripheral muscle tissue–That which is located on the arms, legs and periphery of the body, including chest muscles. Many amino acids, from protein tissue– which is muscle tissue– are glycemic amino acids. That is, they can be converted in the liver into glucose and used immediately as energy the body needs to fight or flee with. There is no time to get it out of the meal you are still digesting from an hour or so ago. In fact, digestion of that meal is placed on hold.
The fats are not directly converted into glucose, they are mobilized from adipose (fat) tissues as free fatty acids (FFAs) and glycerol. It is the glycerol that goes to the liver and is converted into glucose. The FFAs are burned to carbon dioxide, water, and energy by muscle tissues. This process, plus the glucose released from the liver allows the muscles to stand and fight or run like "hell." Digestion can wait ‘till safety is achieved.
The tissues throughout the body can be repaired by the resulting amino acids, glucose, and fatty acids released, or those moieties can supply the energy needed for extreme measures when the emergency is upon you or in rebuilding damage cellular tissues of the body.
Just for the moment, consider this: many people in our society are constantly stressed. I see them in my private practice. Let's make this crystal clear! Every day is an emergency. Their body reacts to some or more situations (caught in traffic going or coming to work, hate their job, boss, etc.) by generating a boatload of glucocorticoids hormones. They are under acute stress.
Our schools are over crowded. Crowding, as in prisons, creates stress. Many schools are accidents waiting to happen—soon! Stress creates learning problems that are known and well-publized, but seemingly are not being addressed by educational authorities.
You are now thinking in the right direction if you see a chronicity of breakdown of tissues, with less buildup, morality, and mores (moral attitudes).
Another releasing hormone we mentioned, GHRH, brings about the secretion of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary with its insulin-like growth factors to build muscle and bone mass, but under the stress-response, it causes glycogen to be broken down into glucose.
The third hypothalamic hormone from the brain given above is TRH. This hormone triggers the anterior pituitary to release thyroid hormones, T4 and T3. They increase the formation of ATP from all the glucose produced during this period of stress.
Even when the ‘alarm' stage is long gone from the scene, the resistance level of the stress-response insures that the body will keep fighting the stressor(s). This is important because it gets us through a stressful event, allowing normal homeostasis to return.
The problem arises when the resistant stage continues unabated because it did not resist the stressor successfully and continues on in this resistant state. Recall, this is what cost Hans Selye the Nobel Prize. He failed to accurately see that it was not depleted glucocorticoids and other hormones, but just the opposite: The hormones continued unabated until exhaustion ensues.
The body in the third stage of the stress-response can become so depleted of reserve tissues and chemicals that the resistant stage cannot be sustained and exhaustion becomes evident. The signs are muscle wasting, immune system shutdown, gastrointestinal tract ulceration (remember Selye's rats), diabetes ensues from pancreatic beta cell failure from constant overuse with no rest, swollen adrenal glands from overuse, and immune tissues become shrunken (the spleen to name one such tissue). From here, disease states follow, especially if the stressor has been removed but not the resistant stage to a stress-response.
Other diseases, such as hypertension, rheumatoid arthritis, reproduction disorders, infertility problems, low sperm count, heart disease, irritable bowel diseases (IBD) such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), migraine headaches, depression, anxiety, asthma, ulcerative colitis, gastritis, and others may result from the exhaustion stage. We will investigate some of these and others as well as some of the other hypothalamic releasing hormones causing pituitary release of particular hormones with regard to stress as we develop of this document.
But, consider for now, the depopulation of another species which will affect us, as we are at the top of the food chain— the honey bees.
To understand the bees, let us look a little more at excess glucocorticoid stimulation from constant stress.
When an organism undergoes stress, building and repair of that organism is placed on hold. This makes sense in that everything is thrown into the ‘fat' of the fire to overcome the stressor. This is the most important of the two (stress in its three stages as compared to building and repair) when dealing with an extreme stress.
Man's body evolved such that there were not constant extreme stressors, giving his body time to build and repair.
Energy is mobilized versus energy stored. This is why "every day an emergency" is not cost efficient to an organism. But this is what we have become. That organism fatigues quickly. They risk developing a disease sooner, such as diabetes. The organism that constantly puts off a building and repair project soon goes down rapidly.
For example, with the continued high stress in our society and with pension plans now in trouble, when the economy collapses, money will be inflated with very little ability to purchase. This will be mega-stress.
A woman in this condition—and we have many who inquire "What will my husband & I do?" or, "Where do we put our money now?" will undergo more stress and will put on hold repair and rebuilding of bone tissue. She probably already has osteopenia (bone thinning) or osteoporosis (brittle bones).
But if she and others have already been undergoing chronic or repetitive stressors generating the stress-response, they will surely suffer a disease entity due to constant suppression of the immune system by stress. This could easily make manifest as high blood pressure and as the stressors continue unabated, tears occur in the capillaries and this then generates plaque formation, moving her now into the direction of a cardiovascular event. Giving the fact that lipemia (high blood fat) now occurs under stress and if sustained, promotes and accelerates the cardiovascular event.
A young women still having periods, suffering chronic stress in our society can also develop problems. Chronic stress causes a rise in prolactin and this hormone blocks the reproductive cycle because it blocks estrogen formation. Estrogen is responsible for bone mass and fertility. The same occurs in men. Their sperm count and testosterone levels crater such that reproduction drops. This is infertility at its finest. The cause of this in men is again stress generating prolactin which interferes with reproduction. Muscle mass, bone mass, get up and go, feel good, and cognitive function suffer in both genders.
When the immune system is affected due to constant stress, you have less chance of combating an opportunistic microbe(s) that may threatening your welfare. As the cracks get bigger in the infrastructure, supply and demand will go up. There will be a cascading cross-default that crosses many lanes. Medicines may and will become in short-shrift. A simple infection, because of stress, turns virulent and then life-threatening because of the breakdown in delivery and/or manufacture. Many medicines are organic and certain stages of their manufacture project into the petroleum industry. You know energy from this source is now questionable for the future, especially as we enter into The Galactic Plane.
Now, various brain systems in the animal world can be stymied and damaged with severe stress that may or may not be chronic, but extremely threatening to that person's welfare.
The hippocampal area is involved with memory, as are the cortex, amygdala, and cerebellum. But for our discussion, we will center primarily on the hippocampus for now. What happens here is excess, chronic stress-response, especially of the glucocorticoid type.
Receptor Problem With Excess Glucocorticoids :
There are large numbers of a "high affinity," we'll call receptor #1, and "low affinity" (#2), receptors in this area of the brain for glucocorticoids. This hormone binds much better to the "high affinity" receptor than to the "low affinity" receptor. When an animal has mild to moderate stress, the #1 receptor is activated, but when a boatload of glucocorticoids are present, the #2 receptor is activated.
Now, #1 receptor is involved with enforcing memory, while #2 does not stimulate long-term potentiation (memory formation) but does just the reverse. Excess stress generates excess glucocoticoids and this chronicity activates the low affinity receptor and causes memory problems. Thus, you can see mild to moderate stress enhances recall and learning; but excess causes problems and forgetfulness.
Neurite Problem With Excess Glucocorticoids :
Excess stress causes neurites (dendrites and axons) of nerve cells to wither or atrophy. This is one of the reasons—probably a major one—that during this type of stress, memory is impaired. People have trouble remembering certain events clearly if the stress is severe and prolonged.
Excitotoxicity :
And this can generate excitotoxicity (excessive neural stimulation), leading to over excitation of the brain neurons (nerves). This excessive excitation actually excites or stimulates the nerves to die. They are literally excited to death. Even nerves need a little rest between electrical impulses for recovery. This excessive excitation can cause stroke. This is often the cause of depression and memory loss in such an incident.
Glutamate, a chemical produced and necessary for normal brain function, when in excess, causes excitotoxicity. It is taken up by healthy supportive glia nerve cells in the brain and neutralized with glial glutamine synthase. This enzyme gobbles up the glutamate and GABA too that is produced and resynthesizes another chemical important to the body, glutamine. At the same time ammonia is neutralized and excreted from the body via the kidneys. It is primarily the glutamate, if not metabolized that piles up and brings on the excitotoxicity. In a neurological injury, elevated concentrations of glutamate are produced. And this is highly toxic to nerve cells.
Normal levels of glucocorticoids induce the glia cells to produce glutamine synthase. However, in excess, the clucocorticoids (cortisol) inhibit the glial uptake of glutamate.
If the stress is short and dramatic, such as a crime scene, the #1 receptors are activated and people involved remember salient facts about the crime. If stress is severe and chronic, neurological problems can result, especially if there is a neurological issue present and you're in the middle of it and drugs. These issues might be toxins, trauma to the head, stroke, epileptic seizures, drugs that generate large amounts of free radicals (trans fats possibly), cardiac arrest and a life and death encounter, to name a few.
Incidently, decades old research and data show not to give a stroke victim with edema glucocorticoids for inflammation–it only worsens it. Yet, many neurologists still do. The victim has already secreted truckloads of glucocorticoids from a neurological insult. This may induce excitotoxicity.
Our "suggestion" for an immediate stroke victim is Cortisol Control by Vitamin Research Products. Also CDP Choline would be advisable. These should not be contraindicated with medical procedures and medication, unless one is given glucocorticoids, then Cortisol Control should be omitted. One should also consider Huperzine A for memory. This allows acetylcholine more time for potentiation for learning and recall.
Another compound that should be on the priority list for memory and recall is the metabolite of vitamin B12 known as methylcobalamin. In this form, it is neurologically active. We further suggest to help protect against excitotoxicity, taurine, an amino acid and ginko biloba. Glutamine, a non-essential amino acid, would also be something to consider adding to your program. The use of this amino acid should be used with permission from you health care provider if you have diabetes, advance liver disease, cancer, and neurological diseases that include epilepsy and stroke.
For those patients that glutamine is not contraindicated, glutamine is excellent for celiac disease. It is considered the food for the colon cells and helps them regenerate.
Glutamate is used as a neurotransmitter in the brain; some is used for energy in the formation of glutathione and niacin. It improves alertness, learning and memory.
Detachment :
If the stress is prolonged, as the neurites wither and atrophy, they detach at the synaptic junctions—"specialized apposition between a neuron and its target cell for transmission of information by release and reception of a chemical transmitter agent."—Neuroscience, Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center. Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2007. Memory is impaired, but not gone yet. It just takes longer to recall something. You have to work at it deeper to call it up. The neural network of recall, as well as learning is fractured or stymied. However, the neurons can grow back with exercise, learning, a positive environment, good diet, hormone replacement therapy such as estrogen, testosterone and human growth hormone. Our society is just not geared for this.
Once, science thought this impossible, now no longer. But the strongest inhibitors of neurogenesis are stress and glucocorticoids. But if toxins are present, or a neurological problem exists, cells then die and too much damage is prohibitive to regaining memory.
Bees and Depopulation? Preposterous?
But what does all this have to do with bees and depopulation? Let us now find out, keeping in mind about memory of mammals (animals) as we discuss the bees.
Do the bees have glucocorticoids? No, not exactly, but they do have compounds similar in structure and action to the glucorticoids that rise in response to stress! This creates no problem if the stressors are not continuous. They, as in humans, overcome the glucocorticoids if the stress is temporary and this type of stress is, as in humans, advantageous.
But the conditions presented to the "Corporate Bees," those owned by big beekeeping outfits that are trucked around to pollinate crops, generate continued stress, causing reactions similar to lab animals and in higher order primates, man. The normal chemicals secreted in insects help over come the stressors. The stress normal bees, called in this case, "Organic Bees," suffer, helps with memory as in man.
Dr. Elaine N. Marieb's 6th ed. of Human Anatomy & Physiology writes on page 461, about mild to moderate and even shocking events:
"Emotional state. We learn best when we are alert, motivated, surprised, and aroused. For example, when we witness shocking events, transferal is almost immediate. Norepinephrine, a neurotransmitter involved in memory processing of emotionally charged events, is released when we are excited or ‘stressed out,' which helps to explain this phenomenon."
But when the stress is continuous the breakdown undoubtably occurs in their nervous system and recall is lost. The corporate bees can't find their way back to the hives. Their neural networks have atrophy, withered, and even broken down. They may not even reach their destination; or, if they do, the certainly get lost on the way back. Those that make it back and those that stay, no longer remember how to do maintenance work in the hive. Housekeeping is no longer performed and they don't kill mites that invade them. All this is found, so far only in the corporate bees, not yet in "organic bee" hives—but, it is coming!
Now, please allow us to explain something of the insect biochemistry and its hormones and similarities to ours, in some cases, even overlapping.
Keep in mind through all this you will be now reading that we are at the top of the food chain and if something is not done quickly, it will soon affect us as the "madness" progresses up through the insect ranks (including the organic bees) to the highest order of life, us.
Consider the corporate bees and organic bees. The corporate bees are exposed to: - Pesticides,
- Antibiotics,
- Locked-up and hauled such that the hauled colonies are
- Under hours of imposed crowded stress, and they are given
- Hexagonal commercial and larger foundations as opposed to natural smaller foundations to build their hives from,
- And, additionally exposed to environmental endocrine disruptors and other toxins that the organic bees and organic man are also exposed to.
The larger foundations cause the corporate bees to build larger hives to make for larger bees to harvest more nectar for more honey to generate more money. However, something else happened: the bees are a frequency-tuned species and their hives vibrate a certain frequency of our galaxy. This is a known fact. It is known as torsion physics. However, with the larger combs vibrating with a frequency at a faster rate than what they have evolved with, this causes disorientation as our solar system approaches The Galactic Plane.
Additionally, the corporate bees are fed unnatural diets of sugar water when being shut-up and hauled to pollinate various orchards throughout America. Worse, they are exposed to GM crops.
The stress hormones rise causing forgetfulness, and other conditions of chronic stress as you have been reading about in man, not the least of which disease and can be death from the third stage of the stress-response. Their memory lost is such that they can't find their way back to their hives and those that remain or do make it back forget how to maintain the hives and tend to the queen and larvae. In organic hives, mites that infest their quarters are quickly killed by the worker bees. The corporate bees do not know what to do with the mites.
Everything written about the corporate bees is analogous to the corporate man. A relationship exists between the organic bees and the man who follows a good diet. He takes nutraceuticals, vitamins, minerals, drinks purified water, exercises and tries to avoid excess stress.
The reasons we are seeing depopulation in the corporate bees and not the corporate man yet, is because of man's mass. He has more water, more size, more of everything to maintain—but, as depopulation works its way up the food chain, he will succumb enmasse. This will begin simultaneously or shortly after the organic bees begin to feel the stressors generated by The Galactic Plane and deterioration of our infrastructure ensues more and other infrastructures throughout the world. The "organic" lifestyle will be fractured for them as for the "organic" man.
The corporate bees have been succumbing because the stress-response is now taking its toll. They can only survive so long under such conditions of alarm response, resistance reaction, and exhaustion. Many of those bees are in "pre-diabetic" and "diabetic" like states. They are lipemic. And they have amnesia that probably is coming to full fruition as they undergo what is called in the literature, stress flight. A number do not even make it to this state. Many are just flying off in any direction and flat dying because of the exhaustion response. They are confused and unable to get back. This is most of man's future before too much longer. I am seeing patients now with tremendous stress and forgetfullness. They complain about memory problems.
We are seeing some evidences of this in the corporate man, wife, children, and woman. This is all part of the madness now beginning to surface more.
The advice is more apropos than ever: "Go to the ant thou sluggard and consider her ways and be wise."
Neurohormones In Insect Stress
The Arch. Biol. Sci., Belgrade, 58 (1), 1-12, 2006, is cutting edge research on stress in insects for the layperson who generally never heard of this. The article is less than a year in publication. The authors, using meta-analysis, point out that this is a relatively new field in some areas, and more data will be forthcoming. They write from the Department of Insect Physiology and Biochemistry, Siniša Stankovic Institute for Biological Research, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia and Montenegro.
In insects, neurohormones ("any organic compound produced by neurons and released into the circulation to act as a chemical messenger; the term is sometimes extended to all neurotransmitters whether released or not.—neurohormonal adj.") "are the master regulators of all life processes," the authors write, "in insects and they create a strategy of stress protecting events." Looking at this closely, recall that the stress-response in animals, especially man, is designed to protect the organism during stressing events.
Notice there is a strong similarity between all living things in regard to stressors. The response is to help the organism to overcome and maintain homeostasis or balance in it.
These top writers did a meta analysis review of the available research on insect stress and write that when stress related changes are brought about in an organism (an individual living system, be it animal, plant, or microorganism, that has the capability of reproduction, growth, and maintenance), all these living things responded in eminently similar ways! Keep this and the "strong similarity.... to stressors" just given above, in mind as you read this document and what follows.
Depending upon the stress intensity, as in humans, specific changes cause specific neural activity and synthesis and response. The insect has many hormones similar in effect to primates, such as biogenic amines, ecdysiotropins, ecdysiostatins, allatoregulatory neurohormones, and others.
For instance, they secrete growth hormone (GH); PTTH, which is analogous to insulin and ecdysteroid that is very similar to glucocorticoids as found in humans; and biogenic amines similar in response to epinephrine (adrenaline).
Some of the ideas presented in this document would present as preposterous, if it weren't for the fact that (1) all living organisms suffer in strikingly similar manner from mild to chronic stress because they have (2) chemical compounds strikingly similar to ours like insulin, glucocorticoids, adrenalin, and others. Recall what mild to moderate stress does compared to the chronicity of stress. Recall how memory becomes impaired with just a small bout of chronic stress.
In higher order primates, man, for instance, if stress is chronic he never truly has a chance for build and repair status. He is constantly tearing down for the response to stress.
Consider, for instance, the corporate man. He has to fight to maintain his position. Eats the corporate diet, does the corporate exercise, and has mega corporate stress. Consider the overcrowding of schools and the "pecking order" many in public schools are subject to. We call them the corporate youth. The same for the feminine gender under such stresses that are chronic. The brain interprets an internal or external stimuli as a stressor. It could be something so simple as not enough sleep and this compounds other stimuli, making them into chronic stress.
A lot of processes occur rather simultaneously, but we will consider one at a time for simplicity. Under stress, GH is released, but in chronic stress, it is constantly working overtime in pulsatile fashion. Growth hormone causes lypolysis or fat mobilization to occur. This releases large amounts of fatty acids and glycerol into the circulation for the animal that is making a stance to fight for its life; or, decides to flee like hell for its life. Understand, this is an alarm reaction. It was intended for such states as just given. Not for everyday fare. But in a constant stress-response, this is no good! The animal needs this fuel for immediate sustained energy and fat is the answer along with glucose from the glycerol conversion. Incidently, glucose is also released via the glucocorticoid pathway, but we're not speaking of that just now.
But a strange thing happens when GH is constantly released and unrelenting in sight, though pulsatile. Even though the "fat" is now in the fire, the glucose over a period of time due to the chronicity of the stress—and this is how constant stress can generate diabetes—builds up. The body of the animal cannot use the glucose as the GH constantly is remaining high because the fatty acids now impair the insulin sensitivity of the organism's tissues (especially the muscles and adipose, fat,) such that the organism becomes more and more insulin insensitive when he needs that glucose for an alarm reaction to make good his escape, even though in the 21st. century, we are not running from saber-tooth tigers or wooly mammoths. The corporate person is only trying to pay the mortgage of $90,000 or more, pay down on that average household credit card of $9-$10,000, and maintain the upkeep of two to three vehicles, and make payments on them totaling $2,000 per month, as well as feed his family. Stress on the corporate person in a public school is similar. Something is going to hit the fan.
The corporate person's pancreas responds by putting out more and more insulin and he uses it less as he becomes more insulin insensitive. Incidently, we have seen this in body builders injecting human growth hormone in large amounts daily. Some would not stop and developed, with their beautiful bodies, full-fledged diabetes and all the pathologies such a condition is heir to.
The constancy of the fatty acids has been inferred scientifically to decrease the insulin sensitivity of the tissues, especially the adipose and muscle tissues, along with the liver tissues. Whammo! We now have a prime pre-requisite for generating diabetes unless this underlying cause is corrected.
The above is the reason GH is known as a diabetogenic hormone. In the eleventh edition of Texbook of Medical Physiology , Guyton & Hall write:
"We do not know the precise mechanism by which growth hormone causes insulin resistance and decreased glucose utilization by the cells. However, growth hormone–induced increases in blood concentrations of fatty acids may impair insulin's actons on tissue glucose utilization. Experimental studies indicate that raising blood levels of fatty acids above normal rapidly decreases the sensitivity of the liver and skeletal muscle to insulin's effects on carbohydrate metabolism."—page 923.
And on page 951, they write: (remember stress, especially extreme stress, raises glucocorticoids),
"...high levels of fatty acids, caused by the effect of glucocorticoids to mobilize lipids from fat depots, may impair insulin's actions on the tissues. In this way excess secretion of glucocorticoids may produce disturbances of carbohydrate metabolism very similar to those found in patients with excess levels of growth hormone."
Now, let us pull together, that stress raises GH and glucocorticoid release, and one can immediately see the pre-requisite set in place for fulminating pre-diabetic conditions to progress into diabetes. Is there any reason, in addition to diets of highly starchy and fatty foods the corporate school children eat, along with crowding conditions and stress generating peer pressures of the ‘pecking order,' more diabetes is being discovered in younger and younger corporate school age persons.
One thing the glucocorticoids do for many is increase the weight gain in an individual, as we see so many school children and in the average American citizen. There is a reason for this, but for now, on with the bees. That's for possibly next time.
Keep in mind what you just read. Now consider the bee. How does he toil? Recall how this bee is stressed, mega-stressed. This insect produces GH, ecdysteroids similar in action to glucocorticoids in humans, adipokinetic neurohomones (used in carbohydrate metabolism and lipid release), and other chemicals similar in nature to higher order primates.
You know what GH can do in stressed animals. Also, what glucocorticoids do in strikingly similar ways in the animal kingdom, humans included. The insects also produce the adipokinetic hormones (AKH). This hormone exerts a wide array of effects, many similar in effect to those of the glucagons of the vertebrate kingdom. Glucagon is secreted in response to glucose falling and thus opposes insulin's action of lowering glucose in an animal. It does other things too.
The adipokinetic neurohormones also increase hyperlipemia (lipemia or large amounts of lipids in the hemolymph (blood is usually known as hemolymph in insects). Neurotoxic insecticides increase AKH to operate on the "fat bodies" to yield the substrates, fat and the sugar, trehalose, during stress. The trehalose sugar is broken down to glucose. The function of AKA is to provide energy, especially for "wing muscles of stress flight."
It is very possible that the corporate bees may well be lifting off from their corporate hives never to return or be seen again because they have been under constant mega-stress. Thus, GH is increased, this increases fatty acids which hinder their tissues from using the sugars in their systems, because of an insulin (PTTH) like substance not working on insensitive insect tissues. But, to make matters worst, AKA is also increasing the fat in their hemolymph, further enhancing the prediabetic or diabetic effect. And the glucocorticoids further enhance this problem.
From all indications, this insect is either pre-diabetic when it lifts off from the corporate hive and may not even arrive at the bee's destination. This high glucocorticoid chemical in his hemolymph is certainly—since they act in similarly fashion in all living organisms—affecting the insect's brain and memory patterns and recall. He may just get lost and die "out there somewhere." If his colleagues reach the plants in a pre-diabetic state, they may lift off from there as a diabetic bee and most do not make it home.
But still another problem occurs, not just with a pre-diabetic, or diabetic bee, but under the chronic stress they incur as corporate bees, the GH, glucocorticoids and the AKH cause muscle wasting. The bee obviously is very, very sick when he leaves the hive. What's killing the bees? They're sick! They can't take it anymore.
Due to the high stress-response of the hormones and the biogenic amines present, in order to have energy for the flight, they are burning muscle mass en masse. In other words, they are burning their wing muscles for energy that they need to fly to and from the hive with. However, under stressful conditions, and just the stressed winged flight, they may not reach their destination; or, when lifting off, beating their wings furiously, to scout about from one to the other flower; or, setting out for home again, they literally run out of muscle mass and fall helplessly to the ground.
If some of these bees are ever found, and their wing muscles examined, it will be found that they, as in humans, underwent the "exhaustion" stage of the stress-response and literally had no winged muscle left to make it home on.
This is very sad. As our solar system moves into The Galactic Plane, the corporate man will suffer the same fate as the honey bees. This will not stop here. The organic bees will be next as other insects. Scientist have reported on stress effects on one of the hardiest insects, the cockroach, as well as the silkworm, and others. They all suffer it.
Then will come the organic man's time. Why the organic bees and man? The corporate bee and corporate man because of their stresses and lifestyle. The organic bee and organic man because all live within the envelope of a polluted environment. The mass of man's body can survive longer since he is at the top of the food chain. But it will get to much of us as the solar system undergoes tremendous stresses as we now begin to enter The Galactic Plane.
As if this is not enough, there is still a whole passel of surprises awaiting us not just from The Galactic Plane, but as the solar system is entering and moves through the Densest Portion of The Spiral Arm of the Milky Way Galaxy and The End of The Precession. Dark matter and dark energy is out there, as everywhere in the universe. There are giant stars many solar masses of our Sun that may go nova as we pass within "miles" of them in astrological distances. We'll be running into powerful frequencies and vibrations that will alter our thinking, our consciousness, our way of life forever. Gravitational waves and ripples will be pronounced. This will certainly have its affects, as all the other phenomena on all organisms–on all life form's stress-responses.
It is going to be a rocky road for all of us. No one will escape it. But it will be most exciting and exhilarating as well as horrific at the same time. We are about to enter a new age and experience sights and sounds as well as feelings never witnessed and felt in current man's existence on our little speck in the universe, the planet Earth.
Still the matter persists. We will soon see another complication of stress in the insect world---oh, this matter also occurs in the primate envornment, decreased reproduction. We'll discuss that of primates in a later UpDate Issue. Nevertheless, this all adds to The Mechanism of Depopulation.
The corpora allata (CA) are a pair of endocrine glands in insects that lies close to the brain. The hormone secreted by these glands are called juvenile hormoness (JH). They "inhibit metamorphosis and maintains the presence of larval features"---Oxford Dictionary of Biology, page 350. Stress causes the insects to generage ecdysteroids (glucocorticoids) which stimulate the activation of CA endocrine gland to secrete JH. This inhibits metamorphosis until more suitable conditions are present. We can't have insects shedding their "coat" and be exposed to exogenous toxins when they need their "hide" the most.
However, this also occurs in larval features development until times are more favorable. This suggests larvae may be placed on hold so long they wither and die; or, are forced to come "out" into a hostile environment. Most likely, they just don't develop and die. We will probably see dead hives in the future.
Still adding to this Mechanism/Mechanics of Depopulation, is the fact that insects have learned to delay having their "young," when stressed. This "stress-adaptive event ... leads to a delay in oviposition and makes it possible to 'wait out' unfavorable conditions."---Neurohormones In Insect Stress: A Review. Page 3.
These conditions we've been speaking about, will lead--are leading, to depopulation. As attrition (natural or otherwise) take place, depopulation will occur because reproduction is down in the corporate species and in the organic man too. And the "young" may soon not survive. A massive kill-off is coming.
Other Conditions In The Immediate Future That Will Cause Mega-Stress
Larry Eddleson, writing in Money and Markets, Thursday, May 17, 2007, gives ‘Five Forces Shaping the Market.' And all this will generate mega-stress for the already over-stressed "Corporate Man."
Force # 1: Anemic U.S. economic growth. It's here, and it's going to last several more years. First-quarter 2007 gross domestic product (GDP) growth came in at a terrible 1.3%. All other countries in the G8 — Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia and the U.K. — are growing faster than the U.S.
Expand the list and it doesn't get much better. The U.S. economy's growth rate ranks 148 out of 216 countries. Absolutely pathetic!
There are several reasons why this is happening, many of which are too lengthy to cover in a book, let alone this column. But I'd like to mention just two …
The lousy real estate market: The bubble has burst on property prices, and it may be some time before a bottom is hit.
Conspicuous consumption in America: While retail sales in the U.S. also stink, there's no doubt in my mind that the spending habits — and the inverse, personal savings — are both in horrible shape.
In general, Americans spend too much on non-productive endeavors and luxuries … and they don't save any money, either. When good times are rolling ahead, that might not be a problem. But when an economy starts to falter and trip all over itself, non-productive spending coupled with too little savings can be a recipe for disaster.
It could make the real estate bear market go much deeper and last longer. It could kill the already suffering automotive industry, send airlines into bankruptcy, and clobber banks with bad debts.
Look, we now have all the ingredients of a full-blown recession beginning to surface in this country … the results won't be pretty.
Force #2: Unemployment is higher than most realize. The job situation in the U.S. is not as good as the headlines suggest.
Yes, the number of jobs is increasing, though only modestly. And yes, the unemployment rate is 4.5%, a healthy-sounding figure.
But like most government numbers, you simply cannot — and should not — believe this information.
Fact: Based on the Help-Wanted Advertising Index, ads from employers seeking new job applicants plunged more than 18% in the last 12 months.
Fact: The annual growth in the number of people on payrolls in the U.S. rose only 1.38%, the lowest rate of job growth in at least six years.
Fact: The April survey of households showed that the number of people employed in the U.S. dropped by 468,000 (on a seasonally adjusted basis).
So, the job situation in the U.S. is not as rosy as some people would have you believe.
Force #3: A huge and growing mountain of debt. The total federal debt now stands at $8.8 trillion. That's $29,221.48 for every man, woman and child in the U.S. This is a disaster in the making by any measurement.
Force #4: Inflation is much higher than reports suggest. Last Friday's Producer Price Index report said prices rose a modest 3.2% over the past year. And the April CPI data, which came out on Tuesday, said prices were up only 2.8% over the last 12 months.
Force #5: The Federal Reserve is pumping out money like crazy. Right now, the Federal Reserve and the Treasury Department are trying to delay paying the piper with a pedal-to-the-metal strategy of pumping money and credit into the economy like crazy.
...and from..
Money and Markets, ‘Preparing for Weakness,' in the U.S. by Sean Broderick, writes Wednesday, May 16, 2007, the following five points:
- First, the economy is misfiring.
- Second, jobs are harder to get and paying less.
- Third, retail sales are cratering.
- Fourth, consumers are borrowing more.
- Fifth, the housing sector continues its swan dive.
The Galactic Plane And The Solar System's Path Through It The Dotted Arrow Is The Galactic Plane
The Green Serpentine Wave Is Solar System's Path Through The Plane We Are Approaching It Now And Beginning To Feel Its Effects All Sorts of Dangers Lie Ahead Press Play For Sound
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![[The Galactic Plane]](galactic plane.jpg)
The Solar System Repeats This Cycle With a Periodicity From Peak To Trough Mass Extinctions Occur Around This Time Of Passing Through The Plane The Earth Is Also Coming To The End Of An Age, As The Precession Ends
Basic Medical Biochemistry, A Clinical Approach, Marks, Marks, & Smith. Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 1996.
Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Third Edition, Elliott & Elliott. Oxford, 2005.
Cell And Molecular Biology, Concepts And Experiments, Fourth Edition, Gerald Karp. Wiley, 2005.
Human Anatomy & Physiology, Sixth Edition, Elaine N. Marieb. Pearson/Benjamin Cummings, 2004.
Insect Physiology and Biochemistry, James L. Nation (University of Florida Professor). Publisher: CRC Inc., Copyright: November 28, 2001.
Instant Notes in Biochemisty, B.D. Hames et al. Bio Scientific Publishers, Reprinted 1999.
Neuroscience, Eds. Purves, Augustine, Fitzpatrick, et al., Department of Neurobiology, Duke University Medical Center. Sinauer Associates, Inc., 2007.
Oxford Dictionary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Revised Edition. Oxford University Press, 2003.
Oxford Dictionary of Biology. Fifty Edition. Oxford University Press, 2004.
Principles of Anatomy & Physiology, Tenth Edition, Tortora & Grabowski. Wiley, 2003.
Selye's Guide To Stress, Research Volume I, Edited by Hans Selye. Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1980.
Textbook of Medical Physiology, Eleventh Edition, Guyton & Hall. Elsevier Saunders, 2006.
Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers, Robert M. Sapolsky, Third Edition. Henry Holt and Company, NY., 2004.
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In An UpComing Issue:
Something You Need To Know For What's Coming